I’ve been thinking about not only announcing releases and features, but also discuss (read: point and laugh at) some very common annoyances. I hope to one day be seen as a meaner alternative to The Daily WTF but with less free mugs and more open source. Anyway, on to this post’s subject…
Open Binary – source code so obfuscated, “optimized” and arcane that despite an open source license nobody can edit or benefit from reading it. Your only hope is to compile it into a binary and hope it works. There are plenty of examples of this in the video world, such as mplayer, most popular Avisynth filters and to be honest almost every single piece of code written in the field of video processing.
So how do you produce an Open Binary? Well, in my opinion you have to put effort into multiple levels to succeed. For example one important step is to OPTIMIZE! And by that I mean bitwise shifts! No compiler can ever figure out that a/2 can be compiled to a right shift so you have to help it, it also makes the code faster. Another important detail to know about CPUs, even the most modern ones, are that they are slow readers. Armed with this knowledge make all variable names short so there’s less to read for the poor CPU. For text parsing we can actually do one better since modern CPUs are good at numbers, simply use the ascii code instead of the letter in any text operation.
An example of proper text parsing taken from TIVTC:
if (*linep != 0) { qt = -1; d2vmarked = false; *linep++; q = *linep; if (q == 112) q = 0; else if (q == 99) q = 1; else if (q == 110) q = 2; else if (q == 98) q = 3; else if (q == 117) q = 4; else if (q == 108) q = 5; else if (q == 104) q = 6; else { fclose(f); f = NULL; env->ThrowError("TFM: input file error (invalid match specifier)!"); } *linep++; *linep++; ...continued for several hundred lines
There are several other techniques you can use too, for example writing pure assembler, or even better, inline assembler which effectively will tie all your code to one platform and compiler too at the same time in addition to being near impossible for anyone to modify or understand! You can also play the shell game with pointers and global variables, have one function add an offset to a pointer and pass it to the next which subtracts it again. The secret it is to put spaghetti in your sauce, so to say.
So who should use this approach to leverage the open source benefits? Big evil companies of course! Sure, you’ll have to reveal the source code but no one can ever use it for anything anyway. This is the end of part one of my “Business Strategies for the Modern Monopolist” series. I’ll be posting part two shortly.
Here’s a final example of successful use of assembler only to make a true Open Binary, again from TIVTC as I’ve spent far too much time staring at it recently. The actual post ends here so you don’t have to scroll down to look for more.
__asm { mov y, 2 yloop: mov ecx, y0a mov edx, y1a cmp ecx, edx je xloop_pre mov eax, y cmp eax, ecx jl xloop_pre cmp eax, edx jle end_yloop xloop_pre: mov esi, incl mov ebx, startx mov edi, mapp mov edx, mapn mov ecx, stopx xloop: movzx eax, BYTE PTR [edi+ebx] shl eax, 3 add al, BYTE PTR [edx+ebx] jnz b1 add ebx, esi cmp ebx, ecx jl xloop jmp end_yloop b1: mov edx, curf mov edi, curpf movzx ecx, BYTE PTR[edx+ebx] movzx esi, BYTE PTR[edi+ebx] shl ecx, 2 mov edx, curnf add ecx, esi mov edi, prvpf movzx esi, BYTE PTR[edx+ebx] movzx edx, BYTE PTR[edi+ebx] add ecx, esi mov edi, prvnf movzx esi, BYTE PTR[edi+ebx] add edx, esi mov edi, edx add edx, edx sub edi, ecx add edx, edi jge b3 neg edx b3: cmp edx, 23 jle p3 test eax, 9 jz p1 add accumPc, edx p1: cmp edx, 42 jle p3 test eax, 18 jz p2 add accumPm, edx p2: test eax, 36 jz p3 add accumPml, edx p3: mov edi, nxtpf mov esi, nxtnf movzx edx, BYTE PTR[edi+ebx] movzx edi, BYTE PTR[esi+ebx] add edx, edi mov esi, edx add edx, edx sub esi, ecx add edx, esi jge b2 neg edx b2: cmp edx, 23 jle p6 test eax, 9 jz p4 add accumNc, edx p4: cmp edx, 42 jle p6 test eax, 18 jz p5 add accumNm, edx p5: test eax, 36 jz p6 add accumNml, edx p6: mov esi, incl mov ecx, stopx mov edi, mapp add ebx, esi mov edx, mapn cmp ebx, ecx jl xloop end_yloop: mov esi, Height mov eax, prvf_pitch mov ebx, curf_pitch mov ecx, nxtf_pitch mov edi, map_pitch sub esi, 2 add y, 2 add mapp, edi add prvpf, eax add curpf, ebx add prvnf, eax add curf, ebx add nxtpf, ecx add curnf, ebx add nxtnf, ecx add mapn, edi cmp y, esi jl yloop }