
std.BlankClip([vnode clip, int width=640, int height=480, int format=vs.RGB24, int length=(10*fpsnum)/fpsden, int fpsnum=24, int fpsden=1, float[] color=<black>, bint keep=0, bint varsize=0, bint varformat=0])

Generates a new empty clip. This can be useful to have when editing video or for testing. The default is a 640x480 RGB24 24fps 10 second long black clip. Instead of specifying every property individually, BlankClip can also copy the properties from clip. If both an argument such as width, and clip are set, then width will take precedence.

If keep is set, a reference to the same frame is returned on every request. Otherwise a new frame is generated every time. There should usually be no reason to change this setting.

If varsize is set, a clip with variable size will be returned. The frames themselves will still have the size given by the width and height arguments.

If varformat is set, a clip with variable format will be returned. The frames themselves will have the format given by the format argument.

It is never an error to use BlankClip.